Customer centricity: Putting the customer first?!

This programme focuses on effectively putting the customer and his needs first. We can deliver this training both externally and in-company.

Target audience
Managers and employees with direct (potential) customer contact.

After completing this training, participants have an increased understanding of and expanded skill sets regarding putting both the external and internal customer first. They are given tools to effectively respond to customers’ needs and thus realise improvements within their own working environment.

When relevant, topics can be placed in the context of a specific profit centre.
 Organisational culture
 Brand equity
 Customer segmentation & Buyer personas
 Sales & Buying process: the customer journey
 Customer centricity
 Personal action plan
 Professional action plan
Optional: coaching (e.g. via Vector WorkFit©)
 Optional: project implementation support

1 module of 2 days (indicative).


CALL NOW +31(0)13 59 00 446


“Enthusiastic, committed trainer.”

“Positive point that the trainer knew the names of all participants. It made the experience so much more personal.”

“Not an easy group. Handled sensitive moments well.”