Executive Sounding Board: Vector Reflect©

You are the owner, (managing) director or senior manager of an organisation. You want to exchange ideas and share perspective at a high level; confirmation or modification of your ideas; an outsider’s perspective. In short: you’re looking for an external thinking partner with complementary competence. Allow Vector to support you during your policy formation!

With Vector Reflect©, we can support you professionally by listening, mirroring, structuring cognitive processes and by providing constructive critical feedback. Various business-related topics – organisational, strategic, operational – can feature. Vector Reflect© departs from your vantage point, paired to objectivity and is characterised by a coaching approach.

Clarification of what you really want to accomplish with/on behalf of the organisation and enhancing your ability to make and execute the best possible decisions taking into account the internal and external business environment.

Optional follow-up
In order to further assist you in the development of your organisation, this specialist service can be combined with e.g. Training, Coaching, Vector StrategySupport©, Vector CaseSupport© or Vector ChangeSupport©.


CALL NOW +31(0)13 59 00 446


“An experienced consultant. Thinks along”

“I don’t need to reinvent things”

“Jan is an excellent listener. And knows how to let you reflect”