Who we are
Vector International has been supporting a wide range of larger and smaller organisations in their professional development since 2002. Previously under the name MarketScan International. We recently decided to change our name to Vector International, because it better fits our fields of expertise. A vector is a symbol for “course”, “direction” and “power”; starting from a clear departure point. To us, it stands for the further development of the knowledge and skills of people and organisations. Hence, our motto: “From Good to Better!”©
The client’s needs always take centre stage with us, because only satisfied clients remain loyal. This might seem like a marketing no-brainer, but crafting a true customer focus is no easy feat. Proof that we managed? We’ve been active for various clients for more than ten years!
Multidisciplinary team
Vector International’s multidisciplinary team has a wealth of experience, both on a national and an international level. Our team consists of committed professionals with a passion for the development of individuals and organisations.
We can roll out entire management development programmes across borders, paying adequate attention to linguistic and cultural differences. We offer organisational advice, training programmes and coaching in four languages; Dutch, English, German and French. Feel free to contact us if you have other requirements. We will gladly utilise our broad international network to meet your needs! Jan Verkerke is the founder and managing partner of Vector International. Jan is usually your first point of contact at Vector.
Vector is deliberately socially committed; in part, through volunteer functions in industry platforms and education. We also support organisations such as Oxfam and UNICEF. Our experience is that sharing is a thankful activity with a host of development opportunities!

Founder and Managing Partner is Jan Verkerke.
Jan is also your first contact at Vector International.
About the founder
Jan Verkerke is the founder and managing partner of Vector International. He has earned his stripes in the field of (inter)national consultancy, coaching and training.
“As managing partner, I am both the coordinator and the driving force behind the Vector International organisation. As a person, consultant, coach and trainer, I have a down-to-earth and cheerful outlook. I can put things into perspective, while, at the same time, being something of a perfectionist. Someone whose focus is on the end result.
For many years, I worked primarily in management functions at various A-brands with international footprints. I learned a lot about different corporate cultures and leadership styles. In 2002, I started as an independent management consultant and trainer. Additionally, I’m a freelance Business Administration and Marketing teacher and trainer. I actively cooperate with international partners and education institutes. We stimulate each other to develop further, because learning is a lifelong undertaking!”