Individual Coaching: Vector PersonalFit!©
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Every once in a while, people are confronted with essential choices in their professional lives. Can I continue like this? Do I want to? The impetus could be a deliberate reality check, a skewed work-life balance or a burn-out. The Counselling & Coaching programme Vector PersonalFit!© is a self-management trajectory aimed at improving the personal and professional functioning. The coachee is supported on the path towards improved insight into his/her personality, wishes and fitting professional profile.
This programme focuses on the permanent improvement of an individual’s functioning; both in line with his/her job and organisational objectives, as well as in line with his/her own feelings and competencies. In other words: properly “managing” yourself towards an increased balance in terms of thoughts and actions!
Depending on specific needs, the Vector PersonalFit!© programme consists of 6 to 10 meetings, covering a period of 2 to 3 months. The meetings usually take place at a neutral venue. During the sessions, the results of reflective assignments, practical assignments and experiences are discussed. The coachee receives topic-related background information and targeted feedback per programme part.